Pet Wall at Matlock puts a Smile on the Face of Locals

In the middle of yet another lockdown in Melbourne, the CHC Mental Health First Aid group came up with the idea of displaying pet photos on the fence at Matlock with the aim to put a smile on the face of all who walk or drive past it.

A notice first went out in our Whole of Club Newsletter and a few weeks later the first 50 photos went up.

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Along with the photos, a note was put up on the fence for locals to send in their beloved pet photos for display. Roll on a month and the response to our Pet Wall has been phenomenal. There are now over 300 photos of beloved pets, and counting.

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Liz Grant, a member of our MFHA groups had this to say,

“What started out as a small idea has grown considerably. We have over 300 pets on the fence at CHC and have an amazing range of precious pets…The aim was to bring a little joy to people in the community and the feedback we have been receiving supports this aim.”

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Thank you to everyone who has sent us gorgeous photos to put up. Thank you also for the positive feedback we really appreciate it. We hear that the fence has been shared on a number of local neighbourhood social media pages.

As Kerri Hendry, a member of the MFHA Group said,

“We love it when we see pet owner’s faces light up when they see their pet on the fence. We have fun chatting to everyone when the photos are being hung up.”

Special thanks to Camberwell Officeworks. They generously printed and laminated our last batch of over 50 photos for free and we are very grateful.

If you would like your pet photo displayed at Matlock, then send it through to

Head down to The Matlock Centre on Matlock Road, Canterbury and take a walk along the Pet Wall. We are sure it will put a smile on your face.

Narelle Richardson