Simon Says....a word from our President #1
Everything Everywhere All at Once
CHC Strategy Day
Dear Wellers
The transition from the Summer to the Winter Season is something to behold at the Camberwell Hockey Club. Things happen, large and small as we “wind down” and “ramp up” everything, everywhere, all at once.
I don’t see everything, but I am lucky enough to see a lot and the cacophony of action is like the bees in a hive. Here are a few things I have been watching this “off” season.
The New CHC Board was formed in November as we welcomed Corinne Lyon, Britt Simmons and Nick Ryan to the board as first timers. We now have 5 women, 5 men on the board and have asked Mary Phillips to remain as an Observer. We have a strong group with great passion for the club and the challenges ahead.
Summer Masters
The Summer Masters kicked off and the inclusion of more women’s masters than have participated before, added a lot to this competition. Two of my highlights were the return to playing hockey of Marlene Tham, mother of juniors Charlotte and Ethan and Lauren Reitz, mother of Gracie and Becca. Both played decades ago and have revived their playing days on the back of their children’s involvement in the game. A wonderful thing to see. Trust me, both can play!
We gathered together 50 members to discuss the Strategic Plan in February. Meeting at the clubrooms and deciding what was important and where we want to take the club was a great event led by Alastair Richardson (Narelle’s husband) and board member and Ms Everywhere, Pip Mann.
Jake Sherren at 2023 World Indoor Cup
The indoor season was back and seemed to be a full time pursuit as Juniors were playing up to 5-6 games on a weekend. Parents were overjoyed at sleeping out at the Hockey Centre. Meanwhile, Jake Sherren, represented us and our Nation at the Men’s Indoor World Cup in Capetown. Jake is moving to Sydney for work and we wish him well in the next stage of his journey.
The CHC Men’s masters 60’s entered two teams in the HV summer competition and at the halfway mark sit top of both pools, in a very tight competition. Injury, covid and travel all playing a significant role in fielding two teams, but team managers Ralph Kerr and Peter Ridland manage to hold the ship together each week!
Hin2 Hockey Program
The Hin2H program has been running with 60+ children returning or starting for the first time, guided by Hamish Ridland. A number of children, such as 5yo Hazel Ryan, daughter of Ben and Kat and granddaughter of Terry, started her career after watching her brother Max from the sidelines for the past few years. Warning: watch out as we have another “Zinger” in the ranks and at this rate Jane and Asher might find themselves in the same team sometime soon! Thanks To Terry and Duncan Brooks for cooking the snags!
The HV Roadshows saw Camberwell hold clinics at 8 schools over a week in February, with over 800 school children participating. Ruby Webb led her group of coaches as they passed on the joys of the game. This is an important part of our community engagement and we aim to push harder in coming seasons.
The CHC Junior Academy was run again with 40+ juniors led by Krissy Bates and James Webster, our two Premier League captains and their coaching team. Putting the juniors through the drills and teaching the fine skills needed for the next level. We have also introduced a program run by Hockeyroos legend, Rachael Lynch who has joined our club this year after returning from national duties in Perth. 20 of our goalkeepers, including 7 juniors and 9 females in the group, Rachael’s custom goal keeping STOMP program develops specific skills to thwart strikers and galvanise defenders. Look out for our GK’s come finals with one on ones!
Importantly, we also welcome two new sponsors, Grassports, who laid our new pitch (and fixed that guttering issue) as well as UPWELL Health Collective for all your Physio, Podiatry, Pilates and Exercise Physiology needs. Look at for the official announcement very soon. This club gets huge support from sponsors and we urge you to support them as they do us.
And finally, preseason has started for seniors! The club rooms are open for business, the lights are ablaze and the club is preparing for another great season putting it all on the line.
Go Wellers!
Simon Winter
Camberwell Hockey Club Inc