Season 2 Episode 01 - Matt DeFina
Sporting clubs around Australia have been wearing blue socks in support of Men's Health Week; with special events to promote the health and wellbeing of men and boys. In this timely & pertinent first episode of season 2, Tim "Frosty" Everist joins the hosting crew to present Matt DeFina and Camberwell junior player Jack Brant.
Matt, aka Daffy, played junior and senior hockey at Camberwell as a goalkeeper and understudy of Lachie Dreher until he moved clubs to pursue Premier League and State hockey goals. He is currently the Premier League goalkeeper with Powerhouse St. Kilda hockey Club.
Professionally Matt is a registered psychologist working a Head of Programs at The Man Cave, which delivers programs empowering boys to become great men. You can contact Matt, and find out more about the Man Cave programs at or on twitter @themancave_aus
Jack is an aspiring hockey and cricket player, who picked up hockey when he started at Camberwell Grammar two years ago after moving down from Queensland. Jack went through The Man Cave program late last year and now plays junior hockey at Camberwell.
If you or anyone you know needs help or someone to talk to, please reach out to any of the following services:
Lifeline on 13 11 14
Mens Line Australia 1300 78 99 78
Dads in Distress 1300 853 437
The hockey club also has a number of members accredited with the Mental Health First Aid Australia program. Check out for more information.
00:02:13: Men's Health Round
00:03:33: Hockey Career
00:06:59: The Man Cave
00:11:17: Lockdown
00:14:37: Screen Time
00:16:48: Rites of Passage
00:22:20: Meaningful Conversations
00:30:34: Check-In
00:36:59: Jesse Foster Cup